Colleen was discharged Tuesday evening and is recovering at home. She is doing much better, although still complaining that her belly hurts. The diarrhea has resolved. Also her hospital "sample" was negative for C-diff, urine was also negative twice now, so that is good news. Looks like it was just the infection that brought on the "runs" and prayfully not any more of the nasty cronic bowel disease. She returns to BMT clinic next week and GI clinic the following week so hopefully she will continue to feel better and make it to those appointments without another return to the "inpatient floor". Her blood pressure continues to be low at home. At times I can barely hear it and have to "pump" it up several times to be sure. Got an alltime low reading of 60/30 last night, but she isn't acting faint or having any of the other warning signs I was educated to look out for.