Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Monday ER Visit and Tuesday Clinic

Colleen had to go to the ER Monday night. After her steriods were discontinued a month ago, the diarrhea slowly came back. The past week or ten days it really got bad and by Monday she had zero energy. Her appetite was non-existent, and although she was drinking on Monday, she almost slept the entire day. Monday night she vomited and we called the BMT on call doc, who said bring her in to the ER. She was dehydrated, which we already knew, but unlike last February, she was not so severe. Her numbers were not perfect, but she was treated with IV fluids and her urine was checked. Looks like a UTI and she has increased white blood cells (an infection). The ER discharged her directly to her clinic appointment Tuesday morning, I literally drove out of the ER to the parking deck at the clinic and took her there. Since her second set of ER blood numbers wasn't too good, she had to get a third blood draw. Thank God for the port, only one poke for ALL of that blood work. The final outcome is she got hydrated, her numbers improved, she got an apetite, no more vomiting, and she was sent home from clinic with home IVs. So we are back to giving her IVs at home, but much better than a hospitalization. Praise God. She is doing great.


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