Friday, June 16, 2006

Colleen was discharged on Tuesday evening. Her hospital stay was short and sweet, uneventful and those are the hospitalizations we don't mind. She was moved after day one to a room that doesn't have a family computer, so I had to sneak into the playroom on Tuesday to do a quick email checks. Not really much to complain about, the staff at Mott are really wonderful. Getting home from the hospital always seems to take a few days to catch up. Colleen is doing great, but they canceled her return to her former hematologist because her dropping hemaglobin is still a BMT concern. So back to hemo clinic every two weeks. Otherwise her appetite is great, she is her happy self again. Thanks to everyone praying for her and our family. WE still need your prayers.
Everyone planning to be at the "Juneteenth" event on Monday, please RSVP by today so I can have enough burgers and dogs available. Colleen will be there if she is feeling good that morning!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


No fever since Sunday. Good apetite and drinking well. The concerns are that her hemaglobin has remained low and so has her blood pressure. Otherwise she is doing well. The BMT doctor has decided to NOT discharge her back to her former hematologist. Since her transplant has been anything but "routine" she won't go back to Dr. Campbell, as had been expected. They want to follow this downward trend of her hemaglobin in the BMT clinic, so appt tomorrow with our very favorite hematologist, is cancelled, boo hoo. As for anything else, they expect her pediatrician to be able to handle the "normal" childhood stuff. We are hanging out at the hospital until they let her out. We expect to be home by tonight.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Colleen's Admission Day Two

No fevers so far today. Great appetite. Colleen's hemaglobin is still down and falling, but that is most likely due to the two illnesses and she may not have had a chance to recover fully yet. Still, Dr. Levine decided to do some other blood work to investigate that further, just to rule out some other more sinister possibility. Otherwise, if the fever doesn't return, and her other "cultures" stay negative for 48 hours, she can be discharged. Dad spent the night with her and indicated she had diarrhea all over her bed. Could it be possible that strapped to an IV pole, Colleen just couldn't get herself to the potty in time? Maybe she asked Dad for help, and he was sound asleep??? She has not had any diarrhea yet today, so I'd say she is on her way to a full recovery.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Hospital Admission FEVER

Colleen was admitted this afternoon. She woke up with a small runny nose, but otherwise was fine. She had a sudden fever right after lunch of 102 axil, ten minutes later it was 102.8. We got to the ER at 2:30 and her fever was 105 oral. She has a high white blood cell count so an infection is likely. Her chest xray showed something unusal in the lower right lung, may be pneumonia. She is getting high doses of antibiotics. The hospital has become just a usual part of her life. She does not complain, she is TOO sweet. One minute she was eating her lunch, then she says I want to take a nap and she is burning up. Wow.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Colleen had BMT clinic yesterday. Her hemaglobin is down, but could be because of the recent illness. Otherwise she is doing great! The "runs" cleared up, she got her appetite back, she is her happy self again. Praise the Lord. They are also not seeing her in BMT clinic for another month, and going to start transitioning her back to her hematologist, whom we really "love" and are so happy that she will be going back to see Dr. Campbell. Thanks for all the prayers and notes of support from everyone!