Prayer Requests
Colleen continues to do great. Tomorrow is her last dose of steriods. Her appetite has decreased with the decrease in the steroids, so she may have to take the megace again (an appetite stimulant). The BMT doctors need to consult with the GI doctor.
We need prayers for the adoption situation. We filed our "response" on Friday with our foster care agency to the "special evaluation" complaint investigation witch hunt they did on us last year. The "special evaluation" is in the adoption package, and our reply needs to be attached to it in the adoption package as well. These documents are also available through the freedom of information act.
The adoption hearing is scheduled for a week from Friday 4/28/06, but it is our understanding that adoptions can't happen while going through a "complaint investigation", which we expect from CSSWC, so we stopped our mail and stopped taking phone calls in order to enjoy the kid's vacation.
We have checked with OCAL (office of children and adult licensing) and we do NOT need our foster care license for B to remain in our home before the hearing a week from Friday. In addition, the court hearing for B was yesterday and we got a COURT ORDER for B to remain in our home. As soon as we have that piece of paper (if it doesn't disappear from the court like the last one) we will be CLOSING OUR LICENSE. We don't actually need the court order according to the rules, but were advised that our CASE is VERY HIGH PROFILE in Lansing, and surrendering our license makes B very vulnerable to removal, since the "powers that be" don't follow the laws, the rules or their own policies. So, the court order is added protection for him.
OCAL informed us that we need to close our license directly with our agency. Our AGENCY wouldn't transfer our license every time we tried to go to another agency, so that isn't a good option. We suspect that they WANT to hold our license so that they can continue to harass us. Our legislator consulted with the Lansing DHS office contact and we can take our license directly to the OCAL office to close our license, since we have history with CSSWC not cooperating with our foster family. OCAL has also cited them for failure to follow their own grievance policy.
We need prayers for the adoption situation. We filed our "response" on Friday with our foster care agency to the "special evaluation" complaint investigation witch hunt they did on us last year. The "special evaluation" is in the adoption package, and our reply needs to be attached to it in the adoption package as well. These documents are also available through the freedom of information act.
The adoption hearing is scheduled for a week from Friday 4/28/06, but it is our understanding that adoptions can't happen while going through a "complaint investigation", which we expect from CSSWC, so we stopped our mail and stopped taking phone calls in order to enjoy the kid's vacation.
We have checked with OCAL (office of children and adult licensing) and we do NOT need our foster care license for B to remain in our home before the hearing a week from Friday. In addition, the court hearing for B was yesterday and we got a COURT ORDER for B to remain in our home. As soon as we have that piece of paper (if it doesn't disappear from the court like the last one) we will be CLOSING OUR LICENSE. We don't actually need the court order according to the rules, but were advised that our CASE is VERY HIGH PROFILE in Lansing, and surrendering our license makes B very vulnerable to removal, since the "powers that be" don't follow the laws, the rules or their own policies. So, the court order is added protection for him.
OCAL informed us that we need to close our license directly with our agency. Our AGENCY wouldn't transfer our license every time we tried to go to another agency, so that isn't a good option. We suspect that they WANT to hold our license so that they can continue to harass us. Our legislator consulted with the Lansing DHS office contact and we can take our license directly to the OCAL office to close our license, since we have history with CSSWC not cooperating with our foster family. OCAL has also cited them for failure to follow their own grievance policy.