Colleen went to BMT clinic today. She is doing much better. Her steroids were decreased last Friday at GI clinic, and she stopped one antibiotic yesterday. Hopefully that will END the diarrhea once and for all. The steroids have made her VERY moody. And by VERY, I mean VERY VERY. Laughing one moment, tears streaming the next. Up and down. She got the new port placed last Tuesday, and is healing well. Next week she can have it accessed for her blood draws, the tech only had to poke her arm once today. She started "loosing it" by the third tube, but they got the "expert" tech with her today, that knew how to get enough into the third tube with minor positioning and she didn't need a second jab as she needed the last two clinic visits. She is on a limited dairy diet, due to her intestine damage and inability to handle the lactose, but the GI doctor had me get her LACTAID chewable tablets and she can now drink milk again. YEAH! Thank you so much to everyone for your prayers.