Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Colleen was back in clinic again today, going every one to two weeks. Her skin has been very dry and her weight is NOT up as it should be. She was given a prescription for an appetite stimulant, that will hopefully help her get her HUNGER back again. She may need to see the GI folks next week, as a few of her symptoms point to Graft vs. Host. Her hemoglobin is up to 9.9, after haven fallen during her illness and hospitalization last month, so that is excellent. The IVs at home are going well, and Susan has now accessed her port THREE times. The visiting nurse intends to observe Susan one more time, and then we are ON OUR OWN. The most difficult part is keeping STERILE hands. Touch one thing that isn't sterile, and you are then "contaminated". Colleen is so cooperative, having this port since she was 17 months old, and getting it accessed every month, that she is an angel for inexperienced mom to work with. At least she knows the routine, even if mom is a bit awkward at this every week!


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