Friday, November 04, 2005


Susan took Colleen to clinic on Tuesday November 1, 2005, and her blood work made it an emergency to take out the Broviac. Colleen was sent from the BMT Clinic directly to the operating room, where we waited and waited and waited, and then waited some more. She was added to the surgical schedule and they estimated 4 PM for her procedure, but it was 5:30 PM when the surgeon took her to the operating room. The surgery went well and she has been recovering at home since then. Tuesday was a LONG day, leaving at 8 AM for a 9 AM appointment and not getting home until 8 PM. Now that the infected broviac has been removed, she has her port accessed at home. Colleen still receives 12 hours of IV nutrition a day plus antibiotics twice a day at home for a total of 14 hours "hooked up" to the I.V. tubing. It is a blessing that most of those hours are at night. Thank you for your prayers.


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