Friday, September 02, 2005

Bone Marrow Flush

Colleen just finished receiving William's Bone Marrow about ten minutes ago, and the flush pushed the remaining cells into her broviac. She maintained her blood pressure, her fever disappeared about 11 this morning, and she is taking all her medications without any fuss. What a trooper. "Colleen, you are the best patient. You know that?" says her nurse. The next two weeks will be tough, but she is doing even better than expected. Her appetite is gone again, but she is eating and drinking a tiny bit. We will watch her and decide if she needs IV food over the weekend. Please continue to pray for her recovery. September 2, 2006 is the cure date in sight. Today is called day ZERO, and the first 100 days are expected to be the most critical. WILLIAM is doing very well. His hemoglobin dropped to 9.5, which is very good, actually, and he did NOT require any blood transfusion. He is napping now, something he hasn't done in about a year, but otherwise his energy level is barely affected. Pray for his healing, he has two NASTY pokes in his hind end and a large bandaid.
Mommy (AKA Susan)


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