Sunday, October 02, 2005

Colleen has not been eating. She has been put on a clear liquid diet, and milk has been stopped. She continues to have "runs" and may have Graft vs. Host disease in her gut, or it may just be trouble digesting the lactose in milk. Thursday night was the last time she vomited, however, she isn't drinking very much either. Tomorrow the GI doctors may do a surgery on her to take samples from her stomach and small and large intestines. They will have to go into both ends. She would be under general anesthesia. We won't know until Monday morning what the decision. She received platelets this afternoon. She has only needed one transfusion per day for several days in a row, an improvement. Please continue to keep her in your prayers, and our family as well. The stress in our home is "overwhelming" at times and we truely appreciate the prayers. Thank you to all who have brought us the wonderful meals and those who are helping with our children. God bless you all.


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